And continuing my theme of recycling old stuff (Been watching a lot of Hollywood remakes), here is my second (and only other) blog attempt documenting my time in Baghdad.
Well, I have not added as much to the blog as I had originally hoped to do but I wanted more pictures to add before I posted. Unfortunately, I need a permission slip to take pictures around the palace and the Embassy compound, which I am sure I will get eventually.
Well, I have not added as much to the blog as I had originally hoped to do but I wanted more pictures to add before I posted. Unfortunately, I need a permission slip to take pictures around the palace and the Embassy compound, which I am sure I will get eventually.
Starting from where I left off last time, the rest of my belongings arrived the day I did. Unfortunately for some in my group, there was a little mix up and one individual thought she had her stuff but it was mine. The belongings that were labeled mine belonged to a third individual and the stuff that was his actually was labled with the first person's info. I guess it ended up great for me cause I got my stuff quick. Everyone else got it straightened out pretty quickly and they got their stuff a few days later. My work gear arrived in two shipments, once I received a day or two after arrival and a second I received two weeks later.
Overall, we are doing our best to stay safe and keep those that are detailed to us safe. Most people I work with do an outstanding job and for the most part, I am enjoying the experience although I would much rather be home with my family, whom I miss very much.
Until next time, have fun, enjoy life and be safe.
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